
Image, Audio & Video Editing Samples

⌘ + Shift + Simplify!

This video was created to quickly teach critical, often-forgotten Macbook keyboard shortcuts. It was created to be used with both child and adult learners. Below the video is the storyboard used to design it.

Dive Into Scuba Gear

This video was created to act as an introduction to a mini-course made on Lectora. The course is called Dive Into Scuba Gear and introduced different types of dive gear and their purposes. The audience for this project was new divers or potential customers/students.

This video was created and edited using Adobe Premiere Pro, Canva, and Audacity.

Packing for Success

This video was created with the audience of international travelers participating in an excursion to London and Paris in the spring. It was sent to travelers (both students and parents), and was a follow-up to an in-person meeting. It was my first video, and was created solely with Canva.

Image Editing in Photoshop & Audio Editing in Adobe Premiere

For my web design class, we had to demonstrate basic image editing mastery using Adobe Photoshop. We selected a written piece (I chose “This is What You Shall Do,” by Walt Whitman) and designed an image and accompanying audio using a variety of effects that matched the tone and theme of the written piece.

“This is What You Shall Do” by Walt Whitman
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